Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blast From The Past

Happy New Year, 2012, my dear friends and family!

Hope this year brings you the drive, patience and well being to keep moving on in this crazy world. 

I would like to add to those who have been predicting the end, are already at their end.  Would you all stop with the doomsday routine! When the time comes the time comes.

After all the hubbub of the holiday, the best part of today is enjoying the sunrise when it first hits your window gently nudging you to wake with barely a peep from the outside world. Although all you want to do is stay in bed under the covers, you know that your mini celebratory feast has come to an end. In a way, my pants did not feel celebratory as they were tugged and jerked to an inch of their pant life this holiday, i'm sure they'll be happy to know it will be taken care of :p

Trying to get back to a routine seems too conventional, yet I feel full of inspiration and gumption. And first on my list was deciding whether or not to share my older travel posts. So here goes…

Stuck at the airport indefinitely
May 2007

Starting out late I miss my 8:30am flight to Sacramento by 2 minutes. Scheduled on another, no problem I think, I’ll just have to wait another 2 hours plus a lay over in Orange County airport. Hey my middle name is go with the flow, especially when I have a good book.

Waiting in the plane at OC airport, passengers started to board. The Captain comes out of the cockpit microphone in hand explaining that since the airport is so close to a residential area, he would have to blast up directly to a 1000 feet before leveling out in the sky. 

Well now, this should be interesting. Seatbelt sign on and ready for that adventurous take off.

The engines start revving to full blast with a short distance of runway and off we go. Up UP UP UPPPPPPPP...have you ever been on a rollercoaster and you know it's going to take you to that final ascent and just drop with all your insides hovering up to your nose! Well, my heart just lodged into my throat. When the plane "LEVELED", leveled interesting word leveled: flattened, steamrolled, demolished.... is that what the Captain said! Please, it felt like we were plummeting back down to earth. 
After the initial shock and a sideways smile to my fellow passenger, I wanted to try it again. WOOOHOOO! That was fun and I could've missed it if I made that earlier flight.

Happily deplaning at 1:30pm, I called my brother who explained that I had to wait until my scheduled pick up comes back at 3:30/4pm. No problem, I have my iPod, I grab a coffee and light a cigarette.

5PM - where are they? I call my brother again and he says that it seemed the driver left because he couldn't find me. COULDN'T FIND ME!?!@?
Ok calming down, I start doing my OUJI breathing. BLOODY EFFIN HELL! 
Ok no problem, my brother will pick me up which will take him another 2 EFFIN hours!!!

Trying to act less of a crazy person I start walking around outside and light my 5th cigarette, shaking my bum bum to BEP. As I stop right under the passenger pick up sign, a guy smiles at me and states: "did they forget you?"…really...really… But I smile sweetly as he continues on with a shake to his head. My smile grows wider as I say "you're zipper's open" with a flutter of my eyelashes and an innocent smile...ok ok, so I didn't say that, but I did say, no kidding. 
 Would somebody get me out of here!

Finally 7pm arrives and with it my brother and my two beautiful nieces.

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